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50 Never Have I Ever (Rated PG)

I've been thinking about how I can post at least one blog in a week again without running out of topics. So I thought to just keep things simple one week at a time. For today, I will share 50 things that I have never done in no particular order. I've always find this game amusing and I know I'm not the only one who runs out of things to say during the game, so I hope this helps/ although since this will publicly posted and I'm not sure who'll be reading this, I will keep it as clean as I could.

Note that some may make my life seem boring (because that point in my life actually existed), and some are actually just a part of my bucketlist.


1. Watched a horror film inside a theater.
2. Shopped for make-up.
3. Went surfing.
4. Went hiking.
5. Eaten sushi.
6. Had my own room.
7. Had a pet cat.
8.Went skydiving.
9. Been outside Asia.
10. Went scuba diving.
11. Kissed the opposite gender.
12. Shoplifted.
13. Been arrested.
14. Snooped into someone else's inbox.
15. Wore contact lenses.
16. Worked at a fast food restaurant/coffee shops/the like.
17. Been on a diet for longer than a month.
18. Experienced snow.
19. Gone vegan.
20. Had a family rest house.
21. Got into a physical fight with a friend/stranger.
22. Earned money by performing in front of relatives.
23. Cheated on a test and got caught.
24. Been sent to the principal's office for bad behavior.
25. Dyed my hair.
26. Been trapped in an elevator.
27. Driven drunk.
28. Dated someone 5 years older or 5 years younger.
29. Changed my relationship status on Facebook.
30. Went skinny dipping.
31. Kissed someone I don't know by name.
32. Lived alone.
33. Not tried to avoid confrontations.
34. Owned/read any book from the Twilight series.
35. Voted in the national elections.
36.  Performed a dance on stage alone.
37. Been part of a dance group.
38. Rode a helicopter.
39. Done vandalism in any form.
40. Used a fake I.D.
41. Experienced 'Happy Thursday'.
42. Been on a blind date.
43. Tried speed dating.
44. Played poker.
45. Learned Photoshop.
46. Learned how to play guitar.
47. Met with more than one person I met on a dating app/site.
48. Super liked anyone on Tinder.
49. Lost playing this game.
50. Not lied at least once playing this game.

That's a wrap, Kebab wrap! Till next week! Blarghskwudh.
For comments, suggestions, violent reactions please feel free to leave them at


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