COVID-19 obliges us to take care of ourselves. Due to many constraints, it is important that besides our physical wellbeing, our mental health gets to be prioritized just as much. For me, it was difficult to stay home 24/7, so after a month and a half of having the country placed under lockdown, I decided to get back to work.
My job doesn't have the work-from-home option, like most do, plus, It was my way to escape the confines of home for at least 10 hours a day, 5 days a week. Still, even if I was able to go out to report for work, you look around and it's evident that everything has changed. It messed me up.
While obeying all the health protocols of sanitizing, wearing a mask, a face shield and doing my responsibilities at work, I also took it upon myself to reflect on how I have been taking my life for granted these past few years. To be honest, the pandemic helped me put things into perspective.
I've been so unmotivated for the longest time. I just go day by day, waiting instead of looking and grabbing opportunities. As a Libra, I'm hella indecisive. Since 2017, I've kept going back and forth on what I wanted to pursue as a career. Because of the pandemic, an opportunity at work opened up so this time, I decided to actually grab it. And guess what? I'm actually pretty proud and happy with my decision. So I'm okay with work, at least for now.
What I have been missing (which is what I have been telling my friends recently) is how much I've missed being creative. I'm not great at it, but being creative taught me so much about being passionate. Those spur of the moment ideas that you just have to write down and work on when you get the chance. The crazy ideas that at first would feel impossible, but once you're done all you get to say is "damn" (in a good way of course).
I miss writing. When I was a kid, I loved coming up with stories. I loved imagining a world where I got to control what happens to the people I've created in my head. I loved watching movies and television. Back in high school, I also had my bookworm phase, wherein I purchased books weekly and read them at one or tow sittings. In college, I learned how to appreciate theater and pretty much all other forms of art.
My lifetime goal has always been to be able to publish a fiction book. Now that I'm doing okay with work, the only thing missing is me having a creative outlet. And I guess that's why I'm back here, that's why you get to read this.
But I want to do more. And I've been contemplating on trying something new for almost a year and a half now. I don't know how to start, I have no idea how to pull it off, but hopefully, I'd be able to start at least something. For now, I'd try to stick with my one blog a week schedule just to "keep the juices flowing".
Since I'm a bit rusty, I'm gonna need your help. I need some ideas for topics so if you wanna ask me something or if you have suggestions, post a comment below or hit me up anywhere on social media.
Help me bring my heart back on art!
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